1. During the "Official" summer season all persons on the Linwood Park grounds eleven years of age and older must have proper tickets covering their stay. Their presence on the grounds will be considered a voluntary submission and desire to conform to this and all other rules and regulations of the Park. Tickets must be purchased upon entering the grounds, shown to proper authority on any subsequent re-entry or, if requested, while upon or leaving the grounds. The Linwood Park Company reserves the right to revoke license granted by the ticket by refunding purchase price on a prorata basis.
2. No person, firm or corporation shall do any business or offer anything for sale or barter at any time, without first securing proper permit from the Linwood Park Company or one of its officers at such time and in such manner as it or he may direct. Any person violating this rule will be immediately evicted.
3. No meeting or gathering of any kind shall be held on the Park grounds without permission of the management. No notice or advertisement shall be posted or distributed on or about the grounds without permission from the Superintendent.
4. No person shall commit any disturbance while in Linwood Park, nor use said premises in any way or for any purpose that could endanger the health, safety, or disturb the peace and quiet of other persons. Quite must be maintained after 11:00 P.M.
5. The speed limit for motor vehicles and bicycles is fifteen (15) miles per hour. Motor vehicles are to be operated by licensed drivers only. Penalty for infraction of these rules will be refusal of entrance of vehicle to the Park, regardless of ownership.
6. Driving on grounds other than streets or parking areas is prohibited. No vehicle shall be stopped or parked on streets or driveways so as to impede or obstruct traffic, especially fire and rescue equipment.
No automobiles shall be parked overnight in Linwood Park except on land leased by cottage owners or on land provided for such use by the Linwood Park Company. A charge, to be determined by the Board of Directors, shall be made for the use of such leased parking areas. Areas so leased shall be marked "Reserved."
7. Dogs are to be kept under leash at all times, are not permitted on the beach and shall be "walked" in designated areas.
8. No alcoholic beverages, illegal/ dangerous drugs or narcotics are permitted on the grounds. Firearms, fireworks, bow and arrows, air rifles, sling shots and similar dangerous items are not permitted.
9. Sunday religious services are a tradition at Linwood Park. All activities not in keeping with such services are discouraged. Guests are encouraged to attend the religious services.
10. Each cottage owner is responsible for the neat and sanitary condition of his/her property and for keeping same in good repair. Removal of debris resulting from construction or renovation is the sole responsibility of the property owner. No dumping is allowed in any part of the Park.
11. The building of fires on the Park grounds is not permitted except in charcoal grills. Hot coals should be extinguished and not carelessly dumped. Beach fires are to be kept within reasonable size in designated areas only and are permitted ONLY when wind direction and force will not endanger property. Beach fires shall not be left unattended and are to be completely extinguished.
12. The maintenance of all trees on leased property is the responsibility of the property owner. All trees are under the supervision of Linwood Park Company. Driving nails or hooks into or fastening wires around or otherwise injuring trees is strictly prohibited. No tree is to be removed or trimmed without permission from the company.
13. All new building, re-vamping of existing buildings, and the use of heavy equipment require permits from and compliance with the Linwood Park Company. No construction or outside painting is permitted during the "Official" summer season. Your attention is directed to Rule #10 regarding dumping and removal of debris.
14. Tennis, shuffleboard and basketball courts are the property of the company. They are maintained for the enjoyment of all Linwood residents and their guests. It is expected that the privilege of their use will be shared in an equitable and sportsman like manner.
The above relate generally to rules of conduct and are not to be construed as encompassing all regulations in effect at any time, including but not limited to building codes, winter gate fees, utility meters, and special permits.
By order of the Board of Directors
The Linwood Park Company